Poem in the Place Where a Love Poem Should Be

Owen McLeod
| poetry


You said love because love is better than just living
I said I can’t remember love and I’m not having fun
You said sometimes love can be found on the porch
I said something about broken loves and past loves
You said no love is past and no love is broken
I said now is not the time to start on this again
You said love is strong but shouldn’t sleep alone
I said this feels over but the next day I heard you
Singing in the shower an old song about love
Your voice future-facing and then I remembered
How your smile used to remind me of moonlight
But how all I ever think about now is the math
You told me that night the math didn’t matter
And then we said nothing for a very long time
We sat on the porch holding hands and waiting
For what we didn’t know until finally we did

Owen McLeod is author of, most recently, Before After (Saturnalia Books, 2023). His poems appear in Copper Nickel, New England Review, Ploughshares, The Southern Review, The Sun, and many other places. He teaches philosophy at Lafayette College.

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