
Ali Nasir
| poetry


A man at the bus stop lugs
+++his cello with such vigour it
scares me.

+++Unlike him, I’m estranged from
my music. The evening
makes song from the hollow of
++++++my body,
the way the man does from his instrument.



I used to think calling my cries song would
++++++++save me. Ha.

My sadness fed on miscellaneous images.
+++++// a shard of ice coated in snow,
oil hovering on water, the semi-dark
+++denying me my-



I was a blackbird’s whistle
++++++++asking for mercy in
++++++++++++++++the midst of an


+++The porch listened.
++++++It leaned further into the night
where, finally, I disappeared.

Ali Nasir (he/him) is a writer from Lahore, Pakistan. He is the Editor-in-Chief for Handwritten & Co., a print literary arts journal. His work is forthcoming in publications such as Narrative and Litro, among others.

The Ghost of The Yum Yum
Un-Elegy, Or Written Fifty-Six Steps Above Montmartre