The Tennis Ball

  When I return to the dog, the first thing I see is the teeth. And then the dog disappears. But the teeth remain. Bared. Bereft of dog. The bared…

The Folded Paper Game

  Nights Daddy didn't come, our mother turned down the roast and set out crayons. My sister peeled the rind from a color called flesh. I chose periwinkle like his…

Incident Behind a Garbage Truck

  Returning home from work, I found myself following a garbage truck as it lumbered south through rush hour traffic, as it maneuvered its rusty armed or elbowed front loader,…

Searching for an eBook in the Spring

  1 I open Project Gutenberg dot com place the name of one Girish Karnad in the precarious window above left of page and wait for available dope for plays…

Les Amours à l’Encan

-After Auguste Glaize’s "Cherubim for Auction"   Do you remember doing that to the garden   Have you eaten+++++What was the last thing You swallowed++++++The tremendous pills Were they prescription…

X-Factors: De Chirico

  1. The Melancholy of Departure The removal began precisely as its planners had decided months earlier with names and ages and dispositions: dead, the dispositions always showed those to…


  The train seems heavier on the tracks tonight although the news is now old news—   the unexpected derision at the local hangout, the two girls who were drinking…

The Tennis Ball

  When I return to the dog, the first thing I see is the teeth. And then the dog disappears. But the teeth remain. Bared. Bereft of dog. The bared…

At the Orchard

  We sit beneath a giant maple watching pirouettes of yellow gust upwards, each leaf an illumined skin stretched across a pliable spine. My son spins an apple between his…

Lessons of Dark and Light

  Completely blind since  birth, Laura would stare for minutes into a close-held flashlight beam, press the heels of her thumbs into her eyes so she could ‘see’ the eruption…