The Old Lie

  People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. I don’t know if I believe that. Your hands moving over the blankets were the last indicator of…

My Wife’s Glass Vat of Buttons

  I go through her buttons: that population of immigrants, some humble, prepossessing, some big, shiny hemispheres like the golden dome of a Shiite mosque. Some are eagle-embossed, tarnished from…

The Man with No Mouth

  I can’t tell you how happy I am to announce how happy I am. No, really. I can’t tell you— I have no mouth, only the skin of my…

The Anecdotalist

  Remember this one? Narcissus vs. Pond in a staring contest? Wind riffles water, Narcissus declared winner. Enraged pond pulls out hidden revolver. I don’t remember it ending like that…


  Where one should hear the echo of a duck’s call there is only glazed stillness, the word lake so close to lacquer, lack. Stood at the scum-rimmed edge I…

Poem with Zeugma and Dog

  The old oak in the creek’s bend stands blotted black with songbirds— stripped branches’ lateral buds breaking early-sunset sky— we sounded like them, you and I, when you screeched…

The Waiting

  give me any lyre-like thing I’m on my knees what I’m on my knees * the swamp I move through careful your own drowning is at hand * presume…

Singing School Valediction

  A scarlet breeze buoyed him next to us, his white feather hair a boy’s, giddy and bright for this, what he called, “the immaculate air.” It never crossed my…

Prayer for Something Like a Home

  Let me learn to love this land, the lay of the highways, the maze of crooked one-ways cobbled together in colonial haste. Give me a place to linger, to…