The Recital

  Because the final piece ended with the organ turned off but the keys still pressed down,   there was a rush of air, as if the whole church exhaled,…

Her Story

(Johnson City, Tennessee)   What a ruckus—those fricatives inside that truck, spitting out roadside muck digging itself in deeper.   Overhead the sky’s one eye looks down. Near full it…


  To keep out the sand I built a house to uncover   each night its black name I built   poems I sang to keep small things   small…


  This, the old month when we live inside listening to talk-radio or watching afternoon movies like children sick with the flu.   Tonight I danced a corpse road tapping…


  It is to be born into a fragile garden between today’s rain and my left brain   where the artist hangs like one of these colorful characters with nowhere…

On a Cold Day

  The snow carries the chill of Novocain, the dentist’s Latex fingers that taste of nothing. What Is the circumference of your absence? I play Jerry Butler And Otis Redding…

Night Sky

  Tonight the full moon slips like a coin into God’s own pinball machine.   Auden called it a “clockwork spectacle.” Perhaps he was wrong—just once.   And Victorian Meredith…

Elegy for Zack Flash

  Riding out to the Coney Island end of the line, with a view to look into the third-story world I read about, I stop at Smith-9th   to frame…


Eros   —lord how the loved infuriate, the cat’s fangs in my petting hand, the fern in the fernery grey & limp as old kelp & the woman re-writing all…

String Theory

  I have been ridiculous: crying in the street, holding frozen spoons against my eyes, as if they could cure. Months pass with only cloud cover. Tonight, grief lacks the…


—for PJW   So gentle a man, yet so fierce a passion for poetry! I’ve known him to argue   for five minutes together against a misplaced comma or another…