I can feel you

  Call the mole-catcher. He’s dead. Oh good. I mean good for the moles. The whole of this side of England is trembling. Veronica has a theory: They’re Dutch moles,…

Claude on My Mind

  “All is lovely—all amiable—all is amenity and repose; the calm sunshine of the heart”—Constable, on Claude Lorrain   So I’m wondering if we were all converted or ordained to…

Our Life a Stereoscope

  Because of you, I am dying. Like the rat our landlord is poisoning to make us feel more comfortable where we sleep at night, my days are numbered. I…


  till mirrors can see your body—& insects crawl like lips in between blood & sentence, i shall think of the window nowhere but in you all over —nothing is…

The Material

  The June air thread- bare with rain.   Cloud cover, the un- quilted cotton batting.   My eyes stitch this (brick-red,   beech-green, sea- pearl-sky) design be-   cause…

Second Quake Today

  One quake after another was triggered by complimentary chardonnay on an Alaska Airways flight out of Burbank   And by clouds nerved and sheathed, clouds dark and branching  …

Seven-year Quake

  This year’s quake was centered in the body seven years ago replaced by the body now   “Some facts generate their own metaphors, and the news is surreal,” said…

Epoch Earthquake

  This epoch’s quake was centered in “no man’s land,” sounding suddenly strange   And striking us maybe more so as “no woman’s land,’’ said a seismologist and single mom…

Don’t Eat Me

  Before I’m even out of the car I know he ate her, the Holstein. With her yellow-green behind, yellow-green nose. I’d renamed her—DoeNee: short for this poem’s title. My…

Time Capsule

  It seemed easy for us to throw away our toy horses and the nicked building blocks, to realize that teasing wasn’t the best way to go about things, that…

Inherit the Earth

  Three snowy days this town is rich in icicles. If you couldn’t care you were never a kid. How do you prefer your glint and glare? Secondhand, pan to…

The Monitor

  I hear the waves slapping higher on the planks. Are you awake? I hear a fire leaning on the door. Someone should check on him. He’s only turning in…