The Book of Perfect Hygiene

  Make me the copper sun of Golgotha, the shivering of the sperm whale just       after mating. Make me the coupling link cuffing your shirt, one of…


  Everyone will be your love at the church bazaar, at the psychic fair where we have arrived too late, and the fortune tellers have become annoyed by questions and…

Braxton Hicks

  False labor, a fist binding my womb to your skin to your ribs to your heart, and it feels not like practice to have you out   but a…

The Fallen Angel

  The summer I was born—was it yesterday?—God stopped thinking,   stopped moss from clinging to stones, threw his hands up, wouldn’t listen   to the hummingbirds, nor other animals…

The Saints

  In the paintings of Tiepolo and Perugino — everyone speared through and through,   everyone suffering, the eyes of saints rolled back behind the lids.   Everyone wearing a…


  How marvelous, the way he looked and looked at all the as-yet-unnamed things. Even as the two nurses   rolled him back and forth under the heat lamps, wiping…

Highlights for Children

  i. May I sew you to a sheet…?   Long Saturdays in the waiting room— a shelf of chipped dishes and trucks, Little Golden Books, stacks of tattered magazines.…

A Fly of Spit

  Drifting into being, yielding heart, lung, eyes, a fact herself in history   though omitting necessarily that sunrise in the brain wherein the vaguest self   follows a trail…


  Named for the golden stalks under which it sleeps like a ploughgirl dreaming,   or for the runners that stray or “straw” until they root like a new wife…

If You Wonder Why the River

the coal region, PA   In front of the sinking Ukrainian Club, a fat old Veteran plays accordion—reedy, old world, before-the-cold-war, after-the-rapture tune. My cousin and I drive late night…

Nocturne, Upon a Sea-battered Strand

  Is it always the mothers who refuse to let go, tackle demons and ghosts in the phosphorescent foam, a relentless sea? Or can we blame the moon, its bloated…

Keep an Eye Out

  Curiosity compelled me to touch your doll’s eye, make it disappear, a dull plop inside her skull. Memory prevented me   from popping off her head to retrieve it.…