
   I’m awake again 5 a.m. walking around the house again bare feet on unsealed tiles            again sleep crusts eyes morning's ritual becomes clang clang putting pots away         …

Our School Colors

  Logan, you took your glass eye out for me.                   It wasn’t the taking out that I needed   to see, but…

Your Great Busyness

                      I am unable to lead a life based on illusion.   --Eleanor Roosevelt   Blue eyes, lustrous hair and…

All-purpose Spell for Banishment

  A pox on _______ and the gerrymander he rode in on. Expel, export, exile him while we waft sage-smoke around. At this zero hour, as our wombs contract under…

The Argonauts in Oia

tr. from the Portuguese by Calvin Olsen the beautiful journey--Konstandinos Kavafis For some the end of the earth is likely the end of the world. For others the end of…

The Quotidian Life of the Soul

tr. from the Portuguese by Calvin Olsen Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino   Wrapped in meters of linen in an urn of carved wood (inside a stone sarcophagus inside…

Dry Season

  Translated from the Chinese by Fiona Sze-Lorrain   At high summer Lake Huai runs dry a few days, the bed revealed Where are the fish? I stretch my hand…

Acte de Naissance

  It was hard to keep up— 6th Street, Beverly to University. Wet snow and wind stung my face, sidewalk too narrow, no shoulder— cars would’ve hit me if I’d…


              —Smith and Bybee Wetlands, Portland Oregon   November   and the brightest thing’s my neon blue slicker     I wish I knew if the pulsing in the soggy…

Village Folklore

  Tell me again the story of the farmer who finds a golden axe in the river and must enter tribunal with a silver dragon.   Or the man whose…

Mary Easty: Hanged September 22, 1692

  They said she hurt them and brought them the book & then they fell into fits. When Mary’s hands are clincht together they point, cry out—Look! Mercy Lewis’ hands…