Tooth and Claw

  As if the extinct thylacine opened its jaws 180 degrees like a book and swallowed Father clean. Those striped haunches glowing in the forest—see   the beast zigzagging with…

The Sparrow Hath Found An House

  Mrs. Sparrow, your one staring eye is blind to the sky. Flattened like a book, you have an attentive fly,   burnished green and gold, decay’s sleek courtier, who…


  Someone left a water bottle on a tiny gravestone.   I’m at Copp’s Hill Burying Ground in Boston.   I came to see the tomb of Increase and Cotton.…

The Good Nights

  When my father left us, my mother became a panther, her eyes slow from medication, hunting an answer   the rooms couldn’t give her. She was angry, but didn’t…

Alternative Facts

  for Tamir Rice   the officer stops   parks his car at the frost chipped curb the officer can see the boy and spends a few more moments in…


  on days when he’d been exiled from home and you had yet to learn to travel the crease of your mother’s brow   you’d sit with your father  …

Alabama Climacteric

  I caught the smell of sick on myself, sweet as talcum or skin. My god was exhausted. My god was a glitter. My   mama called sweat a sheen.…

Another Way of Explaining It

  A fine way of looking at things— me observing you kissing me.   How decent of me to pretend I am shocked by you.   You’re the inverted foot…

Valentine’s Day

  Why is it so stubbornly in winter? Drifts everywhere, salt shortage. For the men hawking roses in morning rush, nowhere to stand but the street — they’re gonna get…


  Tonight the moon is out   on parole—no room, no light   of her own, although in the right mood   she can drag her black dress across  …