For Joe, Who Showed Us All

  Joe never learned to skate, kept falling down, busted   his nose once, got blood all over his winter coat.   He was big for his age, carried his…

The Cowshed

  Set off by indigo and right angles Chagall’s cow appears to know something.  He regards me with a familiarity as he tilts his beveled head back.  There is no…

Prayer of Night

  Translation by Judy Katz-Levine   I live sitting, one who is an angel in the hands of a barber, holding a beer mug with deep grooves arc of the belly…


  Translation by Judy Katz-Levine   By the blue nights of summer, I will see rainbows in the paths, Scintillating stars by the wheat,  through minute herbs: Dreamer, I sense…

Self-portrait as Pine Barrens

  I’m not so barren, actually I’m waiting for a fire. Underneath me the immaculate aquifer where the rusted waters run iron-rich. There are no fish with holy gills. There…


  Around the shacks symphonies of grey in all its weathers;   stone, sea, sky. A scatter of plastic tables and chairs,   and faded Pepsi signs, the hum of…

The Principle of Inertia

  On my walk I see in a matter of seconds an empty can of Arizona iced tea a dead black bird and a white man smiling at me from…

Self-portrait as Bower Bird

  Look here        at this cathedral arch I’ve wrought for us with beak and talon. Look at this shelter I’ve culled   from refuse and castaway plastics. See? I’ve painted…

The Hour of the Cockerel

  Which is to say dusk is approaching, as Pablo from Thessaloniki and Paige from Fox Chapel prepare to say their goodbyes. Pablo moving back to Cologne, which is a…

Herb Garden

  the arrow piercing a metallic globe points to a concrete angel cradling a pot of incense while the rosemary grows wild and mint gives way to sage which sprawls…


  I.   I’m the wave before it breaks the ground before it quakes the maelstrom before it hits the water before it boils the word before it forms.  …

First Breath with Thistledown

  Hot, but with a breeze,     and the breeze carries something         faintly seen. Small glistenings   against the pines. It is the    …