What Does a Little Hospital Poem Taste Of

  At first, immunizations & cherry lollipops. Scales, stethoscopes, Disposable bedding. Formica & triage rooms. The delayed ache Of epidurals & birth. Latex gloves. Barium. The occasional mistaken Stone &…

Big Old

  Big old heron fishes midstream, wading as through a time slower than the Susquehanna’s hours upon years upon stone, so when he flies I almost panic after all this…


In the dream or half-dream half waking I was filling a book with writing about a child’s survival, and longing. As I kept writing the book grew thicker. What were…

I Gave Him the Moon

  —with thanks to Geoff Notkin   —a piece of it, lunar rock, gingerly, as directed. I gave him the moon, or as we call it, mah, the H heard…

Parenthesis Enclosing Empty Space

    You were my Persephone until you abducted yourself. From me. Gone (    ) Where? Why? How? Who are you? My body echoes with your absence, with once-and-lost inflections.…

Elegy as Long as a Summer

  Summer burned easily. And everyone had something to say. The rock said, be finished with sweetness. The tree said, repeat like a lie. The ground said, a mouse is…


When my evangelical cousin texts You must never have witnessed a miracle my mind goes to Doug punting the basketball. We were ten. He kicked it a good thirty yards,…

Trans-Boy Rising

  Hair chopped short as it will get. The risen boy practices forgetting as the pilgrim does. He is a vocabulary of starlings and salt.    

[body farm] [soul photograph/double exposure] [late light]

                                                after Sally Mann                          —silk and honey the hair is after so much rain // but not the skin // the skin is coral // leaf-torn & bee-pitted // humped…