How to Partner a Runner

  You will never know what he thinks about while he runs, as music muffles the city’s roar of evening, yawn of morning. As he smells burnt leaves in autumn,…

from The Pink Series

  Pink Blossom Born in full bloom I grew along the feminine arc— pink diminishment & pink despair pinched back & pedestaled thin into air but even the invisible could…

Broken Fridge

  For three weeks the fridge has been whining like a dog. It must be the freezer fan, or the compressor: either way, it’s screwed. I have three months left…

from Crown Decline

    5. The door of the big red shed hides nothing, And this isn’t because the shed is empty. In the season of fertility dugites hibernating, The door of…

Day Cycle

  Morning—it’s burning in my thighs already, and I climb a steep green crest then let my burden carry me on down its slope, this summer when I’ll have no…


  The outcomes of our love lie in their bed, sleep-tangled and yeast-warm from the guitar. The stars overwhelm their dome, the mangroves drip their branches down into roots and…


  In the dream You don’t share Your number Or have you And have I Forgotten Who you are So I trouble Every door And some open Upon couples caught…

Birth Mother’s Second Baby

  Two-and-a-half years later, she buried my premature sister. Poor mother lives in two worlds of letting go and letting go, of one she can find and another she can’t.


  Propped on an assault shotgun gun my liquor gun my grass-fed cold-smoked ribeye   I drink single-batch bourbon how sudden is my skull tell me   (after Archilochus)

Breughel’s Procession to Calvary

  And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him. —Luke 23:33   Diffuse light, no real season. Soldiers everywhere, an occupying army.…

Liar, Liar

  I was another story.   Nothing awarded with ribbons or scrapbooks, nothing to please the eye.   I grew but never did I thrive.   Instead I was stealth…

Bedroom in a Borrowed City

  Between the four walls of fable and four shelves of forgotten books,   back of stairs that double back to earth, above the grimed arc of the kitchen,  …