Look! God descends+++ like fog upon the city, +clouding mirror, horizon— +offering little more than the illusion +of dream. ++++The parched ++hold their tongues +++to the air, ++++heavy with…
is a revolution long in the planning, crocuses rising up despite the night’s last frost, their conviction enflaming the wide lawns green with reckless youth. Now, everywhere,…
after the Islands of Chagos para mi Carlos Arturo After Tuvalu, did we really try hard enough? One, two degrees, chronicles of floods. Still around us are deniers…
By the time they plugged me in— electricity enlivening me the way God courses through the socket two bodies make— the man was already dead and did not know…
To keep them trapped, the doomed office workers’ heads are rigged to explode. It makes sense in that movie-logic way— bombs masquerading as trackers, some vague lie about…
You must have thought I was a junkie. Syringes everywhere. Upturned biohazard box. My bed, thanks to you, a graveyard of blunted needles. This is the second time you’ve…