智者君抛我, 愚者我抛君。 非愚亦非智, 从此断相闻。 入夜歌明月, 侵晨舞白云。 焉能拱口手, 端坐鬓纷纷。 The wise shun me. I shun the fools. But I’m neither foolish nor wise, so I break off contact. At…
Dear furred tongue, dear slack tongue of the coach, dear set piece in the apocryphal lore of a mad philosopher, you were flogged mercilessly at Piazza Carlos Alberto for…
To hack an ode from a 40-year-old tree, you must spare the lower branches so they can care for roots while the new variety takes hold. Scions dislike the…
Solstice dark, four-thirty. Gray rain on the gray cedar shingles, salt box slope. Why do we come home? Dark chocolate Raisinets—long matinee on Scottish monarchs, heavy-handed with the blood…
Dry bright. The self’s asymmetry with its surroundings—squirrels deadlifting pinecones heavy with sap. Ponderosa sad. Steak buffet sad. The snakes don’t want to kill you, but will—Erin’s boyfriend calls…
There were times we lost track. That’s for sure. One season came with sugar runs for the bees. Another found us coupling at the foot of a mountain like…
Like you, they’d heard the stories. They stood by a founder’s statue in Faculty Glade. Terms— institute, benefit—were tossed at them. Nothing about conquest, or captives. No questions. Attention…
This spring we planted again, turned the earth and pushed the seeds into the ground with our thumbs just deep enough, then covered them with the compost loam that…