
  I’m asked to keep a secret and I do until I don’t. Until he trusts   me to ration out his pills and when I forget fever sweats hold…

She Who Eats Everything

  He seems lost, although he’s four-square on the trail, maybe an abandoned, lonely male, a yearling whose mother kicked him out to give her time for this spring’s fawns.…

Rescue Me

  While I’m driving I like to fantasize about the people I love   dying in tragic and gruesome ways.   My brother slips off a cliff hiking and they…


  After a long time staring into the cliffs you finally said, I think that when a stone looks at Medusa it just becomes more comfortable in its own body.…

All In

  I dreamed of you last night, a dream you, an almost you. We were driving in that old blue car I used to have, except that it was green…

The Gift

  New Year’s Day and the big reeds bowing over the stream’s headlong, white churn, only one back-flowing current glazing and glazing a black smooth stone, and you said This…

Alley Cat

  Suddenly it was a storm and insects / a pet cage tumbling in the rain.   One morning they rose to find the lobster / had sheared away the…

Streetside San Antonio

  In the afternoons, a girl and a woman together below a crepe of pecan trees / corniced rises, the city like a box of mud around them / seething…

Milk Gap

  Their udders were so bloated a thorn might have slayed them. Sidestepping their own stiff tits, the cows hustled & hurtled   through the doorway, a barge of skull…

When the Rabbits Come

  At night I think about my father— how he no longer tends all the plants in his garden.   I wonder if in his blueprints   he draws our…


  No need for an appointment, crisis will erupt without you, another loud melancholy.   Stop picking your skin, pulling hair. Your mother would say stop that   you’ll leave…