Flight, dream

  There are so many apples on the ground ++++++I am an apple  no        a bee no        the bee’s stinger stinging     my body ++++++Why are there so        many apples…

The lake thinks up its shore

  We took a chainsaw to the tree she liked to climb, let it rest a few days then dug out the stump, the patient roots. In its place a…

Original Sin

  was uneven eyeliner done under the fluorescent lighting of a club’s bathroom. Monologues about how we weren’t afraid of the dead, ghosts, old folk tales, done in a stall…

Girl with Lilies Knockoff

  I exchanged two metal filing cabinets and twenty dollars for it. She responded to my post on an app that connects people interested in selling or trading within a…

The fermented words inside us

  Perched on a hill in Chobhar we planned to get drunk as usual and in the cold January night cicadas and frogs and grasshoppers cried as we heaved the…

legs legs legs!

  the lamp from A Christmas Story, every r. crumb cartoon, Rockettes, follies girls, choruses of high-kicking vamps whose disciplined haunches quake and gleam with rhinestones Busby Berkeley’s twirling human…

When I Think Back in Gapped Couplets

  Skateboarding was a gateway.             The VHS tapes looped us         into a world apart: Krylon and Rusto        flared walls     in Venice,        Cope2 bombs              in the…


  I paddled on a lake between nature and nurture between longing for rain and a mallard taking a sort of bath a turtle basking on a dry rock that…